Faithkeepers, Step Forward

A link to my recent blog post for DBD Group - dedicated with great thanks to those exhausted volunteers, leaders, and organizations that struggling and suffering, but still plowing ahead, showing up.

On a call with a client last week, working together to identify values for tough times, a word popped up: equanimity. I couldn’t remember what it meant, but it sounded like a smooth, peaceful lake, hinting of equity and justice. So I said, “Not sure if this is relevant, but what about equanimity?” She responded, “Yes! That is a perfect word.” Equanimity: evenness of mind under stress. A word to tuck up our sleeves for 2020.

As leaders wonder, “When will we open our doors, and what will this organization look like? Who will still be on the team? Which members, clients or donors will come back?” This time is calling for a new grounding—an evenness of mind—as organizations prepare for the unknowable.

Click here to read the rest.
