Kellie, Meet Now
I assisted at a coaching training last weekend; the focus was on experiencing the now.
Imagine an entire training focused on leaning into the present moment. Not thinking about how I wish I had sent Christmas cards. Or lamenting that my mother was the best Santa, and she passed away 13 years ago. Or not wishing I spent more time tossing a football with my son on the abandoned courts behind our old apartment complex. Or projecting into 2020: “What’s going to happen? What’s on the other side of this leap I’m taking? Am I going to fall on my face?”
No, this workshop was all about leaning into the now. This moment: Now.
Or now.
Or now.
How I am experiencing that loss of my mom here, now? Or where am I in my backswing as that fuzzy tennis ball is spinning toward me? Or what is present in this moment as my feet kick against the wooden bar, sharing cheap beer and fried bologna with my son in Nashville?
What’s here as I watch the letter of these words as they show up on the page, one letter after the other?
I had this sense after leaving the workshop that the universe was saying, “Kellie, I’d like to introduce you to someone! This is Now. Now, meet Kellie. You may have heard of each other. I think you’d get along.”
I like this Now! Now has a vibrancy, a freshness.
It’s like the first time you position a scarf around your neck, and it sits perfectly, paired with you for the world. Or that moment after a deep inhale where you pause at the top of the breath before the exhale, when you don’t really need another, when you’re just here now with that air you took in. Or that first bite of a chocolate cake, when you aren’t thinking about how many bites there are to go, or how you wish you could have a second slice, because in the moment it’s enough, that frosting is so sweet and satisfying on your tongue.
Or that meeting 7 degrees Fahrenheit again as you walk out your front door, “Hello, 7 degrees!” and the chill touching the softness of your face.
I like my new friend Now. She/her/hers is exciting. Clairvoyant. Spontaneous. Fun.
And I think she likes me too.